By Ram Chandra Guha, The Telegraph 20 June 2020 Politics and Play: The perilous state of press freedom in India today In 1824, the Government of Bengal (which was then in the hands of the East India Company) issued an Ordinance placing strict curbs on the freedom of the press. This gave the government the […]
Author: Admin
55 Journalists Face Persecution for Highlighting People’s Suffering During Lockdown, Clarion India
Shaheen Nazar | Clarion India 19 June 2020 NEW DELHI – Supriya Sharma of is not the only journalist to suffer government’s wrath for reporting on people’s sufferings during lockdown. At least 55 journalists are at the receiving end because of their professional work. Rights & Risks Analysis Group (RRAG) said that the journalists are […]
Indian Journalists Are Being Targeted for Questioning Governments’ Handling of the Pandemic, Vice
Vice 19 June 2020 The country’s media persons are facing criminal charges and intimidation for exposing lack of transparency around the crisis. On June 13, a journalist was charged with various offences by the police of the north Indian state of Uttar Pradesh (UP) for a story filed from within Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s parliamentary […]
Crackdown during lockdown? 55 journalists targeted for their reportage during COVID-19 outbreak: Report, Money Control
Money Control 17 June 2020 Cases have been filed against several journalists for reporting starvation faced by migrant workers, mismanagement and negligence of quarantine centres, and even for reporting a minister following the suggestions of astrologers t least 55 media persons were targeted with arrests, custodial torture, FIRs and show-cause notices during the nationwide lockdown […]
लॉकडाउन के दौरान 55 पत्रकारों को मिली धमकियां, मुक़दमे और गिरफ़्तारी: रिपोर्ट
The Wire (Hindi) 17 June 2020 कोविड-19 महामारी के दौरान मीडिया को लेकर जारी राइट्स एंड रिस्क एनालिसिस ग्रुप की रिपोर्ट के अनुसार 25 मार्च से 31 मई, 2020 के बीच विभिन्न पत्रकारों के ख़िलाफ़ 22 एफआईआर दर्ज की गईं, जबकि कम से कम 10 को गिरफ़्तार किया गया. इस अवधि में मीडियाकर्मियों पर सर्वाधिक 11 हमले उत्तर प्रदेश में हुए. नई […]
55 Journalists Faced FIRs, Show Cause Notices, Physical Assault For Covering Pandemic In India: Report, The Logical Indian
The Logical Indian 17 June 2020 The Rights and Risks Analysis Group report said that journalists faced arrest, registration of FIRs, summons or show-cause notices, physical assaults, alleged destruction of properties and threats for doing their job. As many as 55 journalists have been targeted for covering the pandemic in India between March and May […]
Indian citizens and media have been terrorised enough with sedition. SC must end it now, The Print
The Print 17 June 2020 Journalist Vinod Dua’s petition is an opportunity for the Supreme Court clearly tell police and lower courts what constitutes sedition and how to deal with defamation cases. The Indian media is under severe stress and not just from the side-effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. Between 25 March and 31 May, […]
55 Indian Journalists Arrested, Booked, Threatened For Reporting on COVID-19: Report, The Wire
The Wire 16 June 2020 The report said that as many as 22 FIRs were filed against various journalists while the lockdown was in progress. New Delhi: Ashwini Saini is a contributor to a Facebook page that publishes news on the Mandi district of Himachal Pradesh. Saini, who also works as a freelancer for the Hindi […]
Over 50 Indian Journalists Targeted During Countrywide COVID-19 Lockdown, Rights Body Reports, Sputnik
Sputnik 15 June 2020 New Delhi (Sputnik): As per Delhi-based rights organisation RRAG, India has turned out to be the “riskiest place” for journalists around the globe during lockdown who faced physical assaults, arrests, summons and threats while covering the covering the events in front line with potential health risk. As many as 55 journalists […]
55 journalists were targeted for reporting on Covid pandemic, says Delhi think tank report, The Print
The Print 15 June 2020 The RRAG report listed states and cases that were registered against journalists for their stories on PPE shortage, food distribution and alleged corruption among others. New Delhi: As many as 55 journalists have been targeted for covering the pandemic in India between 25 March, when lockdown was first imposed, and 31 May, […]