Banner India Press Releases


Two months of riots since 3 May 2023 after the protest by the All Tribal Students’ Union of Manipur over the issue of grant of Scheduled Tribes (ST) status to the Meiteis turned violent, ethnic riots between the Meiteis and the Kukis in Manipur has turned into a full scale civil war, destabilising peace and security […]

Banner India Press Releases

PRESS RELEASE: 194 journalists targeted, eight killed during 2022 in India

The Rights and Risks Analysis Group (RRAG) stated that a total of 194 journalists including seven women journalists were targeted across India by the State agencies, non-state political actors and criminals, and the armed opposition groups (AOGs) during 2022. Among the States/Union Territories (UTs), the journalists from Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) faced the maximum target […]

Banner India Press Releases

PRESS RELEASE: Home Minister Amit Shah Urged To Impose President’s Rule In Manipur To Facilitate Inter-Community Dialogues

The Rights and Risks Analysis Group (RRAG) urged Union Home Minister Amit Shah, who is visiting Manipur from today, to consider imposing President’s rule in the State in view of the failure to bring the ethnic violence under control following the imposition of Article 355 on 6 May 2023. The clashes including burning of the […]

Afghanistan Press Releases

NHRC urged to protect the Afghans fleeing the Taliban’s persecution by granting refugee status

The Rights and Risk Analysis Group (RRAG) in a complaint (Diary No.13708/IN/2021) today urged the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) to protect the Afghan nationals who have fled to India in the wake of the Taliban takeover of the country by granting them refugee status. The Afghans who fled to India in the wake of […]

Bangladesh Press Releases

North East Chief Ministers urged to request External Affairs Minister Dr S Jaishankar to raise the issue of eviction of 7,000 Garos and 10,000 Mro people and proper implementation of the CHTs Accord with Bangladesh

New Delhi, 23 February 2021: The Rights and Risks Analysis Group (RRAG) today requested all the Chief Ministers of the North East to urge External Affairs Minister Dr S Jaishankar to raise the issue of forcible eviction of about 7,000 Garos and 10,000 Mro people and implementation of the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHTs) Accord with […]

Banner India Reports

Coronavirus Pandemic: India’s Mongoloid looking people face upsurge of racism

Contents 1. Upsurge of racism against India’s Mongoloid looking people 2. Emblematic cases of racism against India’s Mongoloid looking people during COVID-19 pandemic 3. The way forward: India must enact an anti-racism law 1. Upsurge of racism against India’s Mongoloid looking people Coronavirus (COVID-19) has affected the entire world and people whose physical features resemble […]

By Country In Media

CAB is an instrument to torture millions of paperless Indians

Northeast Now04 December 2019 The Rights and Risks Analysis Group (RRAG) said that the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill (CAB), which has been approved by the Centre is an instrument to disenfranchise and torture millions of paperless Indians. “It is an instrument to fool the people of the Northeast,” RRAG director Suhas Chakma said on Wednesday. “The exemption of the Inner […]